Why should I choose Horizon, when there are hundreds of finance brokers to choose from ?
True, and each one will offer you something different. It's a common complaint that many loan applications are declined for no apparent reason, if you have no history of a poor credit rating, you can afford the repayments and have a reasonable length of residency and employment, then why on earth would you not be offered finance, and at a competitive rate.
The answer is very straight forward, many finance brokers who place unsecured enquiries are looking to earn substantial commissions, after all, this is how they get paid, why should they arrange 10 smaller loans when one big loan will earn them the same commission, for a lot less work.
We recognise the massive demand for smaller advances and have established a unique way of working to provide our customers with exactly what they want.
It's very easy to say NO, we work harder because we want to say YES!
Our cutting edge call center close to the centre of Manchester has a fully trained team of operators and administrators who have handled over a million calls this year alone.
Our state of the art facilities allow us to record your information accurately and efficiently, and we aim to find the lender best suited to your needs within the hour.
Horizon Finance does not lend the money directly, we work very closely with a network of lenders, many of which you would find on most high streets.
Unlike many other brokers, we have no administration charges and we do not choose to charge you higher rates of interest or encourage you to take out expensive insurance cover simply so we can earn more commission, our lenders are always asked to offer you the cheapest possible rates based on your current circumstances.
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London UK
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