The Bonduelle brand
Vegetables, just vegetables, everything about vegetables!
In a world increasingly concerned about its nutritional future, Bonduelle has vegetables in all forms, using all the latest technology, all over the world.
Making vegetables the future of food
The Bonduelle brand has a clear goal: to be a nutrition partner for consumers. It does all it can to encourage people to eat vegetables by offering a very wide product range which is extensively available. Today the brand has over 80 types of vegetable and has been present since 1998 in four segments: canned, frozen, fresh and delicatessen salads.

Bonduelle is above all a ‘corporate’ brand and a family brand.The brand name is both the name of the company and the name of the founding family, whose activities began back in the middle of the 19th Century. Giving the family’s name to the product ensures that consumers immediately identify the product and recognise the name, Bonduelle. Its Chief Executive Officer, Christophe Bonduelle, represents the 6th generation of this family business.
Bonduelle Marketing
The 1950s, saw the brand’s first forays into advertising! The company also kitted out local sports teams and provided book covers and blotting paper for schools… The company’s slogan was launched: ‘the best canned vegetables, that’s Bonduelle.
End of the ‘60s: the arrival of frozen foods is a revolution in the kitchen
2008, Bonduelle gets people talking through its TV comeback with three adverts that secure the brand’s place in people’s daily lives.

Bonduelle, a pioneering brand
Bonduelle devotes 1% of its turnover to innovation.
The strength of the brand lies in its capacity to constantly adapt to consumer trends. From the outset, the key to its success has been its ability to anticipate changes in lifestyle.

It all started with canned vegetables. 60 years ago, the first cans of Bonduelle peas appeared in the shops. They were gradually joined by green beans, white beans and various other vegetables. The brand’s overriding objective was to stand out from its competitors by offering the largest range possible. In 1957, the brand was the first to sell a mixed vegetable product with its cans of peas and carrots.
Constant product and recipe innovation
From the very beginning, the brand has constantly innovated to anticipate what its customers want. This means working continuously to improve the varieties, taste, and freshness of the vegetables as well as improvements made to the recipes and seasonings. Below are some of the product innovations that have stood out for customers :
From canned peas and carrots, the first mixed vegetable product ever offered in 1957 , to the dome packs of frozen vegetables in 2008. Bonduelle was the first to introduce sweet corn in 1978.The brand also launched salads in sachets and delicatessen salads between 1998 and 1999.
Constant product and recipe innovation
Innovation in packaging testifies to the importance that the brand attaches to satisfying the different needs of consumers. It constantly strives to adapt to changes in society and to facilitate the preparation of meals through practical packaging solutions.
With a constant priority: to preserve the environment.
In practical terms this means optimising the packaging, generalising recycling and reducing energy consumption linked to production and transport.
Bonduelle - Kuban LLC Russia
Russia, 115162 Moscow
Shabolovka 31, building "G", entrance 3, 6-th floor
+ 7 495 642 67 38
+ 7 495 642 67 39
90 rue André Citroen BP 32 F-69742 Genas Cedex
+ 33 4 72 79 25 25
+ 33 4 72 79 25 99
67 route de Concarneau BP 27 F-29140 Rosporden
+ 33 2 98 98 52 00
+ 33 2 98 98 52 99