As the world is divided by language barriers, particular reliance is placed on the ability to communicate effectively.
In the legal and business spheres consequences of translation and interpreting errors can be deadly. Mistakes can spell the difference between success and failure in commercial transactions, contracts or court proceedings. There are additional engagement costs and delays associated with communication errors that impact on the overall integrity of such endeavours.
Medusa Translations is a boutique translation agency with big ideas. We will shield our customers against avoidable mistakes. According to myth, Medusa is one of three Gorgon sisters whose beautiful hair was turned to a cluster of serpents and whose mere sight would turn a man to stone. Although interpretation of the myth changed through the ages, Medusa has remained a symbol of beauty and terrifying power.
Medusa Translations is the brainchild of Natalia Chumak and Elena Tsirlina – bilingual speakers, practising lawyers and experienced translation managers. In setting up the agency, they have been guided by their knowledge of pitfalls that befall customers in the legal or business environment. Ms Chumak and Ms Tsirlina will act in a strictly managerial capacity with their professional boundaries clearly drawn. The day-to-day running of the agency and handling of documents will be carried out by an administrator using an international team of freelance translators and interpreters.
The agency will engage in the translation of a non-exhaustive variety of specialised documents used in Russian, Ukrainian, English and other jurisdictions, as necessary:
Legal and business documents;
Court materials, evidence and forms;
Leases, agreements and contracts;
Legal and business correspondence, memoranda and notes;
Corporate websites;
Marketing and promotional materials;
Our interpreters will assist customers at:
Business meetings;
Round table discussions;
Courts of record
Police interviews
Arbitration and mediation proceedings;
Translation and interpreting
Medusa Translations is a niche language service provider that is able to deal with larger firms’ expectations in respect of turnaround times and quality, and to provide long-term sustainability of service. The agency specialises in legal and business translation and interpreting to and from:
English; and
Languages in other jurisdictions, on request.
Certification is provided on request. The agency’s capacity extends from dealing with individual documents to high-volume materials notwithstanding the area of law or business concerned.
Medusa Translations is operated through a global network of trusted and dedicated freelance translators and interpreters who have mastered the art of specialist translation. They have been tried and tested on high profile projects, working under pressure of tight deadlines and meeting strict quality conditions. Their work is proof-read and content integrity is assured.
Представитель организации:
Наталья Чумак
Адрес в Великобритании:
1 Berkeley Street
London W1J 8DJ
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+44207 016 8872
+44207 016 9100