Consolidated Timber Holdings Ltd - founded in 1990 with the initial objective of bringing three companies together under one ownership.
MBM Forest Products, founded 1966, Compass Forest Products, founded 1985 and Falcon Panel Products, founded 1986. A significant number of people working in the Group at that time shared the same industry background and most were well known to each other. This formed the basis of building a strong team.
Stability and Growth
From the outset, the Group considered sound financial management to be a most important factor and significant efforts were undertaken to ensure that this took place. The development of the Group largely evolved through organic growth, although two major acquisitions of manufacturing companies have been made; Hoffman Thornwood in 2000 and Trafalgar Cases in 2004. In 2009 Ramkor International Ltd became an associate company, trading in timber, panels and doors in the Middle East region.
Also formed in 2009 was an important new UK Division, MBM Speciality Forest Products Ltd. Its product range includes Cedar, Thermowood, Larch and other specialist products. Our strategy is to concentrate on core activities and actively promote the use of timber and timber products. We believe this is vital, as timber is the worlds' only self rejuvenating raw material and as a properly managed resource essentially provides one of the answers to sustainable and carbon neutral development.
We will co-operate with suppliers and customers alike to develop our businesses to our mutual benefit. We will assist them in seeking win/win scenarios by using our combined expertise. Further, we will continue to operate within a sound financial framework. We will endeavour to provide a safe and fulfilling working environment for employees, to help realise individual potential.
CTH member companies provide landed timber and panel stocks, UK distribution networks and FSC/PEFC accreditation. Additionally, we can ship bulk stock direct from source to UK ports.
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Clock House
Station Approach
Shepperton, Middlesex
TW17 8AN
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